Coin collectors and dealers sell coins of different values using different means. It can be tough to sell your coins when they’re inexpensive. Selling valuable coins comes with questions like, “Should I get my coins graded and certified before I sell them?”

The Academy of Coins© put together guides to help you decide how to sell your coins based on their values.

The Best Way to Sell Coins Valued Over $500

When you have coins valued over $500 or $1000 each, it should be easy to sell your coins – almost too easy! Protect yourself selling your coins worth money with a dose of industry insider know-how…


The Best Way to Sell Coins Valued Under $10

Most coins in the world are worth less than $10. Coin pricing is based on supply and demand. In this case, there isn’t much demand. These can be very tricky, but it’s possible to sell your coins valued under $10. Read on…


The Best Way to Sell Coins Valued Under $100

These coins can be particularly tricky. You shouldn’t have too much trouble selling your coins, but you have to know where to go. Should you get them graded and certified, or should you sell them as is? Read to find out more about selling coins valued under $100…


The Best Way to Sell Coins Valued Over $100

Selling coins valued over $100 should be pretty straightforward – but there are people who take advantage of limited knowledge. Learn how to protect yourself, and maximize your sale when selling coins valued over $100…

If you don’t collect coins, you should really think about keeping them. Join us in the hobby of kings!

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